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1.You are pulling into the street from a parallel parking space, you should:
Signal other traffic and then pull into the street.
Blow horn and pull from curb slowly.
Accelerate quickly without causing inconvenience to other road
users and merge into traffic rapidly.
Proceed with caution, use proper indicators, and find a safe
gap in the flowing traffic .
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Page showing Learning License Test for Driving Quiz, इस पेज पर वाहन का लर्निंग लाइसेंस टेस्ट/प्रतियोगिता परीक्षा अंग्रेजी/इंग्लिश में दर्शायी गई हैं, Online quiz for Learning License Test for Driving, ऑनलाइन वाहन का लर्निंग लाइसेंस टेस्ट/प्रतियोगिता परीक्षा अंग्रेजी/इंग्लिश में
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